Harcot Apricot
Blenheim -10
- Idaho/UIdaho Growing tree fruits in short-season gardens
Fruit size: Medium-large, Notes: Late blooming and frost hardy
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
Produces medium-large fruits that have a slight red blush. The flesh is smooth, fine-grained, sweet, and has good flavor. Reportedly has good resistance to perennial canker, bacterial spot, and brown rot. Developed in Canada
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
Produces medium-large fruits that have a slight red blush. The flesh is smooth, fine-grained, sweet, and has good flavor. Reportedly has good resistance to perennial canker, bacterial spot, and brown rot. Developed in Canada
- Ontario/R.E.C. Layne Genetic Improvement of Peach, Nectarine, and Apricot Cultivars and Rootstocks for Canada
1977. Moderately hardy and productive; resistant to bacterial spot and brown rot; attractive, good quality. [(Geneva x Naramata) x Morden 604] x NJA1
- commercial/ACN Maturity Chart
- commercial/Burchell variety list
- commercial/DWN/DWN Retail Harvest Times
- Colorado/commercial/Holly Acres Nursery
- Virginia/Virginia Tech 422-761 Apricot Variety Evaluations in Virginia