Harogem Apricot
Blenheim -3
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
Produces small to medium-sized fruits with a red blush. Firm, orange flesh with good flavor and a freestone pit. Developed for the fresh market. Reportedly resistant to perennial canker and brown rot and moderately resistant to bacterial canker. Developed in Canada
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
Produces small to medium-sized fruits with a red blush. Firm, orange flesh with good flavor and a freestone pit. Developed for the fresh market. Reportedly resistant to perennial canker and brown rot and moderately resistant to bacterial canker. Developed in Canada
- Ontario/R.E.C. Layne Genetic Improvement of Peach, Nectarine, and Apricot Cultivars and Rootstocks for Canada
1979. Moderately hardy; resistant to canker and brown rot; attractive, firm, good quality. Rouge du Roussillon x NJA2
- commercial/ACN Maturity Chart
- Virginia/Virginia Tech 422-761 Apricot Variety Evaluations in Virginia
Mid season; 1.8oz; Flat; Very attractive; recommended fresh