Sunglo Nectarine
Redhaven +27
- Michigan/MSU Management of bacterial spot on peaches and nectarines
- Oklahoma/OSU HLA-6210 Apple and Peach Varieties for Oklahoma
Flesh Adherence: free
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
The large, red-over-yellow have yellow, sweet, semi-clingstone flesh. The fruits have long storage and shelf lives and are excellent for the packed, retail, or roadside markets. Ripens in midseason
- Missouri/MU G6030 Home Fruit Production - Peach and Nectarine Culture
- commercial/ACN Maturity Chart
- Alabama/ANR 1046 Suggested Nectarine Varieties for Alabama
E* 850* A C F
Harvest Times
- August 11 to August 24 [ref]