Manzanillo Olive
- commercial/DWN/DWN potted harvest times
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
The main cultivar used for the black California-style olive. Low, spreading, medium-sized tree, early-maturing fruit with a medium oil content. Trees are susceptible to cold injury, peacock spot, and olive knot
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
The main cultivar used for the black California-style olive. Low, spreading, medium-sized tree, early-maturing fruit with a medium oil content. Trees are susceptible to cold injury, peacock spot, and olive knot
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
The main cultivar used for the black California-style olive. Low, spreading, medium-sized tree, early-maturing fruit with a medium oil content. Trees are susceptible to cold injury, peacock spot, and olive knot
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
The main cultivar used for the black California-style olive. Low, spreading, medium-sized tree, early-maturing fruit with a medium oil content. Trees are susceptible to cold injury, peacock spot, and olive knot
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
The main cultivar used for the black California-style olive. Low, spreading, medium-sized tree, early-maturing fruit with a medium oil content. Trees are susceptible to cold injury, peacock spot, and olive knot
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
The main cultivar used for the black California-style olive. Low, spreading, medium-sized tree, early-maturing fruit with a medium oil content. Trees are susceptible to cold injury, peacock spot, and olive knot