Saturn Peach
marketed under the Stark (r) Saturn brand
USPP5123 until April 7, 2002 (expired) google patents
AKA Stark (r) Saturn,NJF2
released 1983
Redhaven +0
- Michigan/MSU Management of bacterial spot on peaches and nectarines
- National/Handbook of Peach and Nectarine Varieties
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
A white-fleshed, semi-freestone, donut-shaped peach. The flesh is soft, sweet, and mild-flavored. Does not hang on the tree well without over-ripening and must be picked early. An early-season variety. The fruits adhere tightly to the trees and can be difficult to thin or pick. Good resistance to bacterial leaf spot. Considered quite cold hardy. Grown commercially in southwestern Idaho
- Missouri/Murphy Orchards
white flat. freestone
- New Mexico/RR 782 Peach Cultivar Evaluation in Northern New Mexico
average weight 109.3g, yield/tree 16.6kg
- commercial/ACN Maturity Chart
flat peach
- commercial/DWN/DWN Retail Harvest Times