Bing Sweet Cherry
Bing +0
S-Allele: S1S3 [22] or S3S4 [206] (conflicting sources)
- papers/Self-incompatibility (S) genotypes of cultivated sweet cherries
country of origin: US Black Republican Napoleon or Black Republican open pollinated
- British Columbia/Summerland Cherries
not a summerland variety, used as a harvest time reference
- Idaho/UIdaho Tree Fruit Varieties for Idaho
Large fruits have dark red to brownish purple skins and firm, purple flesh. Excellent flavor and a standard commercial variety for fresh and canning markets. Only moderately hardy. Susceptible to cracking. Pollinate with Black Tartarian, Mazzard, Montmorancy, Rainier, Sam, Van, Windsor, or Stella
- commercial/DWN/DWN Retail Harvest Times
- commercial/DWN/DWN Commercial Harvest Times
- New York/Cherry Varieties - Descriptions and Cultural Recommendations
- Washington/Cherry Varieties at WSU Mount Vernon NWREC 2012
dark swt. Origin Oregon (1875); standard commercial variety, susceptible to rain cracking; mid season bloom
- Washington/WSU EB 0937 Fruit Handbook for Western Washington
- Washington/WWFRF Recommended Varieties
- Colorado/commercial/Holly Acres Nursery
- Oregon/OSU PNW 604 Sweet Cherry Cultivars for the Fresh Market
- Oregon/OSU EC 819 Growing Tree Fruits and Nuts in the Home Orchard
Black, pollinized by Van, Corum
- Oregon/OSU EM 9056 Sweet Cherry Cultivars for Brining, Freezing, and Canning in Oregon
Low suitability for brining, unless harvested between 16 and 18 Brix. Useful for brining if overset and 10 1/2 row or smaller in size. If rain cracked, made into low-grade brine as pieces and used in ice cream, yogurt, and baking. With high Brix, also used for canning. Pollenizers: Van, Black Republican, Rainier
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
Industry standard. Deep mahogany red fruit. Produces very heavily. Very susceptible to bacterial canker. Pollenized by Van, Black tartarian, or Sam. Bing, Lambert, and Royal Ann will not pollinate each other (they are intrasterile)
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
Industry standard. Deep mahogany red fruit. Produces very heavily. Very susceptible to bacterial canker. Pollenized by Van, Black tartarian, or Sam. Bing, Lambert, and Royal Ann will not pollinate each other (they are intrasterile)
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
Industry standard. Deep mahogany red fruit. Produces very heavily. Very susceptible to bacterial canker. Pollenized by Van, Black tartarian, or Sam. Bing, Lambert, and Royal Ann will not pollinate each other (they are intrasterile)
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
Industry standard. Deep mahogany red fruit. Produces very heavily. Very susceptible to bacterial canker. Pollenized by Van, Black tartarian, or Sam. Bing, Lambert, and Royal Ann will not pollinate each other (they are intrasterile)
- California/UC Davis variety recommendations
Industry standard. Deep mahogany red fruit. Produces very heavily. Very susceptible to bacterial canker. Pollenized by Van, Black tartarian, or Sam. Bing, Lambert, and Royal Ann will not pollinate each other (they are intrasterile)
- California/Contra Costa County Sweet Cherries