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US Patents [ref]
- USPTO Washington, DC
- 0322E82NB Nectarine
- 12-76-71 Grape
- 13-19-30 Grape
- 13-21-12 Grape
- 13-29-281 Grape
- 13S2009 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Staccato (r) brand)
- 14-37-111 Grape
- 14-44-248 Grape
- 14-48-258 Grape
- 15-97-77 Grape
- 201230THOM Mango
- 21-66-158 Grape
- 21-66-226 Grape
- 3 ELS 0 Lemon
- 3-14-71 Grape
- 3-29-5 Avocado
- 301215THOM Mango
- 302216THOM Mango
- 315-80-67 Japanese Plum
- 46 D-2 Grape
- 5-1-99-5 Citrus
- 552 Grape
- 7 ELS C3 Lemon
- 7-B Japanese Plum
- 7B97 Lemon
- 7ELS1 Lemon
- 85.10-23 Asian Pear
- 88-17 Peach
- 8S2743 Apple
- 8S5505 Apple
- 8S6923 Apple (marketed under the Aurora Golden Gala™ brand)
- 9-9-12 Grape
- 90-3437 Grape
- 90-3618 Grape
- 914 Grapefruit
- 92-110-69 Euro Plum
- 92-287 Peach
- 92-95-99 Euro Plum
- 95-133 Grape
- 950 Mandarin
- A 68-173 Apple
- A-1710 Grape
- A-1960 Blackberry
- A-2312 Blackberry
- A-2640 Grape
- A13-26 Strawberry
- A13-29 Strawberry
- A13-72 Strawberry
- A132-926 Blueberry
- AB17 Apple
- ABB 118 Raspberry
- AC Harflame Nectarine
- AC Harrow Dawn Peach
- AC Harrow Fair Peach
- AC-L'Acadie Strawberry
- AC-Yamaska Strawberry
- AC1 Apricot
- ADI 9107 Banana
- ANABP 01 Apple
- ANDES NEC-1 Nectarine
- ANDES NEC-3 Nectarine
- ANP-0118 Euro Pear
- ANP-0131 Euro Pear
- AO06 Avocado
- AP3 Prunus Rootstock
- APF-12 Blackberry
- APF-122 Blackberry
- APF-153T Blackberry
- APF-190T Blackberry
- APF-236T Blackberry (marketed under the Baby Cakes® brand)
- APF-45 Blackberry
- APF-77 Blackberry
- APF-8 Blackberry
- APRIREVE Apricot
- ARVIN GLEN Sweet Cherry
- AS510 Apple
- ASFCOT0201 Apricot
- ASFCOT0404 Apricot
- ASFCOT0405 Apricot
- ASFCOT0406 Apricot
- ASFCOT0409 Apricot
- ASFNBF0688 Nectarine
- ASFPBF0492 Peach
- ASFPBF0796 Peach
- ASFPBF0798 Peach
- ASKAL Olive
- ASUKI Citrus
- AU Authur Fuzzy Kiwi
- AU Buck I Chestnut
- AU Buck II Chestnut
- AU Buck III Chestnut
- AU Buck IV Chestnut
- AU Encore Chestnut
- AU Gobbler I Chestnut
- AU Gobbler II Chestnut
- AU Golden Dragon Fuzzy Kiwi
- AU Golden Sunshine Fuzzy Kiwi
- AU Golden Tiger Fuzzy Kiwi
- AU Premier Chestnut
- Abundance Blueberry
- Addison Raspberry
- Adele Raspberry
- Adelita Raspberry
- Adi Banana
- Advabemap Raspberry
- African Sunset Mandarin
- AgriPeachOne Peach
- Aidfievate Pawpaw (marketed under the Rappahannock (tm) brand)
- Aires Strawberry
- Akita Gold Apple
- Akizuki Asian Pear
- Alapaha Blueberry
- Alba Blueberry
- Albion Strawberry
- Alex Apricot
- Alicia Strawberry
- Alisal Strawberry
- Allegro Strawberry
- Alm-21 Almond (marketed under the Independence® brand)
- Alpha Krome Avocado
- Alpigala Apple
- Alpine Delight Peach
- Alta Vista Strawberry
- Altair Blueberry
- Alvarina Citrus
- Alvina Apple (marketed under the Crimson (tm) Gala (Alvina) brand)
- Amakusa Citrus
- Amandine Strawberry
- Amara Blackberry
- Amber Fire Nectarine
- Amber Glo Plumcot
- Amber Honey Grape
- Ambrosia Apple
- American Peach
- Amigo 1 Plumcot
- Amigo 2 Plumcot
- Amigo III Plumcot
- Amoore Sweet Nectarine
- Ana Maria Strawberry
- Anaheim Strawberry
- Anatoki Pineapple Guava
- Andes Nec-2 Nectarine
- Andes Nec-4 Nectarine
- Andy-G's Son Sweet Cherry
- AnnaMaria Raspberry
- Anne Raspberry
- Apache Blackberry
- Aphrodite Japanese Plum
- Applewaites Apple
- Apridelice Apricot
- Aprinew Apricot
- Apriplum III Apriplum
- Aramat Sweet Cherry
- Arapaho Blackberry
- Arbequina OLINT Olive
- Arbosana Olint Olive
- Arctic Belle Nectarine
- Arctic Blaze Nectarine
- Arctic Gold Nectarine
- Arctic Jay Nectarine
- Arctic Mist Nectarine
- Arctic Pride Nectarine
- Arctic Queen Nectarine
- Arctic Snow Nectarine
- Arctic Star Nectarine
- Arctic Sweet Nectarine
- Areko Sweet Cherry
- Arena Strawberry
- Ariake Citrus
- Aromas Strawberry
- Arraeleven Grape
- Arrafifteen Grape
- Arrafourteen Grape
- Arrafourteenone Grape
- Arranineteen Grape
- Arraone Grape
- Arrasix Grape
- Arrasixteen Grape
- Arraten Grape
- Arrathirteen Grape
- Arrathree Grape
- Arratwo Grape
- Arrington Nectarine
- Arthur V Almond
- Arvin Bruce Sweet Cherry
- Asfari Apple
- Asio 1 Asian Pear
- Asio 2 Asian Pear
- Asio 4 Asian Pear
- Asio 5 Asian Pear
- Asio 6 Asian Pear
- Aspen Peach
- Atomic Red Nectarine
- August Bright Nectarine
- August Chief Nectarine
- August Fire Nectarine
- August Giant Japanese Plum
- August Glo Nectarine
- August Lady Peach
- August Lion II Nectarine
- August Lion III Nectarine
- August Pearl Nectarine
- August Princess Peach
- August Snow Nectarine
- August White Peach
- August Yummy Japanese Plum
- Aurora Blueberry
- Aurora Papaya
- Autumn Beaut Japanese Plum
- Autumn Bill Plumcot
- Autumn Blaze Nectarine
- Autumn Bliss Plumcot
- Autumn Byrd Raspberry
- Autumn Charm Plumcot
- Autumn Fantasy Plumcot
- Autumn Flame Peach
- Autumn Fritz Plumcot
- Autumn Giant Grape
- Autumn Glo Apricot
- Autumn Glory Raspberry
- Autumn King Grape
- Autumn Magic Plumcot
- Autumn Pearl Nectarine
- Autumn Rose Peach
- Autumn Snow Peach (marketed under the Yukon King™ brand)
- Autumn Sprite Apriplum
- Autumn Treasure Raspberry
- Autumn Treat Plumcot
- Autumn Yummy Japanese Plum
- Autumn Zee Plumcot
- Avalon Almond
- Avalon Pride Peach
- Avila Strawberry
- Awaroa Raspberry
- Azulema Blueberry
- B Thome Gala Apple
- B. Thome McIntosh Apple (marketed under the Rubymac® McIntosh brand)
- B3F44 Apple
- B3F45 Apple
- B52 Fuzzy Kiwi
- B74 Mango
- B9-65 Sweet Orange
- BAB 2000 Apple
- BB05-185GA Blueberry
- BB05-251MI-14 Blueberry
- BB05-259MI-15 Blueberry
- BB05-268MI-152 Blueberry
- BB05-274MI-139 Blueberry
- BB05-35FL-10 Blueberry
- BB05-58GA-1 Blueberry
- BB05-61GA-61 Blueberry
- BB06-126VC-4 Blueberry
- BB06-343MI-16 Blueberry
- BB06-426MI-84 Blueberry
- BB06-507MI-15 Blueberry
- BB06-507MI-52 Blueberry
- BB06-50FL-1 Blueberry
- BB06-540FL-12 Blueberry
- BB07-210FL-18 Blueberry
- BB07-249GA-3 Blueberry
- BB07-7FL-4 Blueberry
- BB15-214PO-3 Blueberry
- BELALATE Mandarin
- BEN-YA'ACOV1' Avocado
- BG-1975 Strawberry
- BG-378 Strawberry
- BG-386 Strawberry
- BG-4.352 Strawberry
- BG-4.367 Strawberry
- BG-424 Strawberry
- BG-6.3016 Strawberry
- BG-6.3024 Strawberry
- BG-625 Strawberry
- BG-633 Strawberry
- BG-959 Strawberry
- BG269 Strawberry
- BIGBUCKS Gala Apple
- BN5-4 Grape
- BOUNTIFUL Raspberry
- BP1 Raspberry
- Baekyakdo Peach
- Baeza Strawberry
- Balboa Apricot
- Balboa Strawberry
- Banjo Euro Pear
- Banning Gala Apple (marketed under the Ultima® Gala brand)
- Banning Red Fuji Apple
- Barak Strawberry
- Barnsby Pink Apple (marketed under the Pink Lady® (Barnsby) and Wild Pink™ Barnsby brand)
- Bay 4029 Apple
- Bay 4210 Apple
- Beaufort Blueberry
- Bel-El Apple
- Bella Baby Apricot
- Bella Cerise Apricot
- Bella Gold Apricot
- Bella Jean Apricot
- Bella Kat Apricot
- Bella Red Apriplum
- Bella Rosa Apple
- Bella Rose Apricot
- Bella Royale Apricot
- Bella Sweet Apriplum
- Bella Zee Apricot
- Belle Cox Apple
- Beller Apple
- Ben Alder Currant
- Ben Connan Currant
- Ben Tirran Currant
- Benicia Strawberry
- Benmore Apricot
- Bennett-Hickman Almond
- Betty Anne Japanese Plum
- Bev's Red Peach
- Bianco One Grape
- Biehn Bartlett Euro Pear
- Big Juan Nectarine
- Big Pearl Grape
- Big Red Japanese Plum
- Big Red Gala Apple
- Bingo Mandarin
- Biscayne Strawberry
- Bish Strawberry
- Black Delight Japanese Plum
- Black Garabedian Japanese Plum
- Black Globe Grape
- Black Glory Grape
- Black Jack Blackberry
- Black Kat Plumcot
- Black Majesty Japanese Plum
- Black Majesty IV Plumcot
- Black Satin Apricot
- Blackadder Currant
- Blackred IV Plumcot
- Blackred IX Plumcot
- Blackred VI Plumcot
- Blackred XX Plumcot
- Blackred XXI Japanese Plum
- Blanc Seedless Grape
- Blue Gusto Japanese Plum
- Blue Moon Blueberry
- Blue Ribbon Blueberry
- Blue Silk Blueberry
- Bluecrisp Blueberry
- Bluegum Almond
- Bob Strawberry
- Bonfire Peach
- Bonny Apricot
- Bowden Nectarine
- Bradgreen Japanese Plum
- Bradley Nectarine
- Bradprune Japanese Plum
- Brak Apple
- Bright Pearl Nectarine
- Bright Princess Peach
- Bright Sweet Nectarine
- Brittany Gold Apricot
- Brittney Lane Peach
- Brown Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sunset Bing (tm) brand)
- Bruce Fuzzy Kiwi
- Brunswick Strawberry
- Buck 3 Avocado
- Buddy Strawberry
- Bull MacIntosh Apple
- Buralmondtwo Almond (marketed under the Shasta® Self-fertile Almond brand)
- Burchinal Red Delicious Apple
- Burkitt Gala Apple
- Burnecteight Nectarine
- Burnecteighteen Nectarine
- Burnecteleven Nectarine
- Burnectfifteen Nectarine
- Burnectfive Nectarine
- Burnectfour Nectarine
- Burnectfourteen Nectarine
- Burnecthree Nectarine
- Burnectnine Nectarine
- Burnectnineteen Nectarine
- Burnectone Nectarine
- Burnectseven Nectarine
- Burnectseventeen Nectarine
- Burnectsix Nectarine
- Burnectsixteen Nectarine
- Burnectten Nectarine
- Burnectthirteen Nectarine
- Burnectthirty Apple
- Burnectthirtythree Nectarine
- Burnectthirtytwo Nectarine
- Burnecttwelve Nectarine
- Burnecttwentyeight Nectarine
- Burnecttwentyfive Nectarine
- Burnecttwentynine Nectarine
- Burnecttwentyseven Nectarine
- Burnecttwentysix Nectarine
- Burnectwenty Nectarine
- Burnectwentyone Nectarine
- Burnectwentythree Nectarine
- Burnectwentytwo Nectarine
- Burnectwo Nectarine
- Burnett Cultivar Apple
- Burpeacheight Peach
- Burpeacheleven Peach (marketed under the Sweet Flame® 32 brand)
- Burpeachfifteen Peach
- Burpeachfive Peach (marketed under the July Flame® brand)
- Burpeachfour Peach
- Burpeachfourteen Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 20 brand)
- Burpeachnine Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 24 brand)
- Burpeachnineteen Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 22 brand)
- Burpeachone Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 21 brand)
- Burpeachseven Peach
- Burpeachseventeen Peach
- Burpeachsix Peach (marketed under the June Flame® brand)
- Burpeachsixteen Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 24.5 brand)
- Burpeachten Peach
- Burpeachthirteen Peach
- Burpeachthirty Peach (marketed under the Summer Flame® 39 brand)
- Burpeachthirtyeight Peach (marketed under the Summer Flame® 36 brand)
- Burpeachthirtyfour Peach
- Burpeachthirtynine Peach
- Burpeachthirtyone Peach
- Burpeachthirtyseven Peach (marketed under the Summer Flame® 38 brand)
- Burpeachthirtysix Peach
- Burpeachthirtythree Peach (marketed under the Summer Flame® 35 brand)
- Burpeachthirtytwo Peach (marketed under the Summer Flame® 30 brand)
- Burpeachthree Peach (marketed under the September Flame® brand)
- Burpeachtwelve Peach
- Burpeachtwenty Peach
- Burpeachtwentyeight Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 20.5 brand)
- Burpeachtwentynine Peach (marketed under the Snow Flame® 32 brand)
- Burpeachtwentyone Peach
- Burpeachtwentyseven Peach
- Burpeachtwentysix Peach (marketed under the Summer Flame® 31 brand)
- Burpeachtwentythree Peach (marketed under the Spring Flame® 18 brand)
- Burpeachtwentytwo Peach
- Burpeachtwo Peach
- Byrd Pecan
- C-20 Mango
- C00-09 Blueberry
- C01-43 Blueberry
- C03-038 Blueberry
- C03-158 Blueberry
- C04-014 Blueberry
- C04-051 Blueberry
- C05-178 Blueberry
- C05-190 Blueberry
- C08-141 Blueberry
- C216, Ventana Strawberry
- C37 Mandarin
- C4-15-19 Mandarin
- C95-12 Blueberry
- C97-390 Blueberry
- C97-41 Blueberry
- C99-42 Blueberry
- CABp Fuji Apple (marketed under the Fuji Supreme™ brand)
- CAKEBELLA Nectarine
- CAKELAM Nectarine
- CAKEMOON Nectarine
- CAKEREVE Nectarine
- CAKESNOW Nectarine
- CAKESTAR Nectarine
- CANDYSWEET V Nectarine
- CAPELLA Almond
- CAR2-21-20 Grape
- CAR98-710 Grape
- CARINA Almond
- CAU-01 Blueberry
- CB515 Apple
- CH 101 Apple (marketed under the Galiwa (r) brand)
- CH201 Euro Pear
- CIV323 Apple (marketed under the Isaaq® brand)
- CIVG198 Apple (marketed under the Modi (tm) brand)
- CIVM49 Apple
- CIVN260 Strawberry
- CJ07 Apple
- CN 121 Apple
- CN B110 Apple
- CN B60 Apple
- CNJ95-20-20 Cranberry
- CNJ97-105-4 Cranberry
- CNJ99-52-15 Cranberry
- CODE 3X97 Lemon
- CP 101 Apple (marketed under the Antietam Blush (r) brand)
- CQB 114 Banana
- CQB 115 Banana
- Cabernet Diane Grape
- Cabernet Dore Grape
- Cabot Strawberry
- Cabrillo Strawberry
- Caitlin Apple
- Cakedelice Nectarine
- Cakelove Nectarine
- Cakepearl Nectarine
- Cakeredal Nectarine
- Cal Giant 2 Strawberry
- Cal Giant 3 Strawberry
- Cal Giant 4 Strawberry
- Cal Giant 5 Strawberry
- Calara Peach
- Calaveras Peach
- Calusa Strawberry
- Calypso Apple (marketed under the Redlove® Calypso brand)
- Calypso Blueberry
- Camaros Strawberry
- Cambridge Euro Pear
- Camellia Blueberry
- Camila Blackberry
- Camino Real Strawberry
- Campbell Jonathan Apple (marketed under the Chrisolyn (tm) Jonathan brand)
- Candy Apple
- Candy Gold Nectarine
- Candy Heart Plumcot
- Candy Pearl Nectarine
- Candy Princess Peach
- Candy Red Peach
- Candy Stripe Plumcot
- Candy Sweet Nectarine
- Candy White Nectarine
- Canterbury Strawberry
- Capitola Almond
- Capri Strawberry
- Captiva Strawberry
- Cara Seedless Grape
- Cargo Blueberry
- Carla Avocado
- Carlsbad Apriplum
- Carlsbad Strawberry
- Carmela Strawberry
- Carmen Blueberry
- Carmine Strawberry
- Carolina Gold Euro Pear
- Carolina Gold Peach
- Caroline Raspberry
- Cartcua Strawberry
- Carteret Blueberry
- Cartres Strawberry
- Cartuno Strawberry
- Cascade Nectarine
- Cascade Bounty Raspberry
- Cascade Dawn Raspberry
- Cascade Harvest Raspberry
- Castleton Euro Plum
- Catalina Strawberry
- Catena Malbec Clone 13 Grape
- Catena Malbec Clone 14 Grape
- Catena Malbec Clone 15 Grape
- Catena Malbec Clone 16 Grape
- Catena Malbec Clone 17 Grape
- Caudle Apple (marketed under the Cameo (tm) brand)
- Cauflight Apple
- Cavendish Strawberry
- Celeste Blueberry
- Celina Euro Pear
- Centra Blue Blueberry
- Cepuna Euro Pear
- Challenger Peach
- Chambly Strawberry
- Chardonnay I10V1-S Grape
- Charlene Strawberry
- Chenibec Grape
- Cherry Parfait #19 Apple (marketed under the Scarlet Crush (tm) brand)
- Chesapeake Blackberry
- Chickasaw Blackberry
- Chimenti Globe Grape
- China Pearl Peach
- Chinook Apple
- Chiquitita Olive
- Chisago Grape
- Chislett Summer Navel Sweet Orange
- Chiyoda Red Nectarine
- Cipria Blueberry
- Civero Strawberry
- Civni Apple (marketed under the Rubens® brand)
- Civnired S Apple
- Clancy Strawberry
- Clark Gold Blackberry
- Claudia Raspberry
- Clemenpons Clementine
- Clockwork Blueberry
- Co-op 25 Apple (marketed under the Scarlett O'Hara (tm) brand)
- Co-op 29 Apple (marketed under the Sundance (tm) brand)
- Co-op 31 Apple (marketed under the WineCrisp (tm) brand)
- Co-op 32 Apple (marketed under the Pristine (tm) brand)
- Co-op 33 Apple (marketed under the Pixie Crunch (tm) brand)
- Co-op 39 Apple (marketed under the CrimsonCrisp (tm) brand)
- Coelho Nectarine
- Colima Strawberry
- Colossus Blueberry
- Columbia Giant Blackberry
- Columbia Sunrise Blackberry
- Compact Flavorette Peach
- Compact Friar Japanese Plum
- Concorde Euro Pear
- Constanza Japanese Plum
- Coparose Plumcot
- Coral Cot Apriplum
- Coral Princess Peach
- Corinthian Mauve Peach
- Corinthian Pink Peach
- Corinthian Rose Peach
- Corinthian White Peach
- Corona Blueberry
- Coronado Strawberry
- Cot-N-Candy Apriplum
- Country Cot Apriplum
- Country Sweet Peach
- Creston Apple
- Crimson Cabernet Grape
- Crimson Carson Plumcot
- Crimson Giant Raspberry
- Crimson Glo Japanese Plum
- Crimson Heart Plumcot
- Crimson Kat Plumcot
- Crimson Lady Peach
- Crimson Night Raspberry
- Crimson Nugget Japanese Plum
- Crimson Pearl Grape
- Crimson Pearl Nectarine
- Crimson Rocket Peach
- Crimson Rose Plumcot
- Crimson Royale Plumcot
- Crimson Snow Nectarine (marketed under the Stark (r) Crimson Snow brand)
- Cripps-Two Apple
- Crispbella Peach
- Crispdelice Sun Peach
- Crisplate Peach
- Crisponda Peach
- Crispregal Peach
- Crispsun Peach
- Cristal Strawberry
- Cristina Strawberry
- Crystal Belle Nectarine
- Crystal Blue Blueberry
- Crystal Red Nectarine
- Crystal Rose Nectarine
- Crystalina Strawberry
- Cuesta Strawberry
- Cumberland Spur Apple
- Cupcake Strawberry
- D6N-72 Euro Plum
- DANI Strawberry
- DAS-10 Honeycrisp Apple (marketed under the Premier® Honeycrisp brand)
- DM 8313-1 Grape
- DONNA Strawberry
- DPI Rubygem Strawberry
- DS 22 Apple
- DS 3 Apple
- DS 41 Apple (marketed under the Pazazz (tm) brand)
- DaisySL Mandarin
- Daligris Apple (marketed under the Chantelop® brand)
- Dalinip Apple
- Dalirail Apple
- Dalitoga Apple
- Dalitron Apple
- Danae Japanese Plum
- Daniel Apricot
- Dapple Dandy Plumcot
- Dapple Delight Plumcot
- Dapple Fire Plumcot
- Dapple Jack Plumcot
- Dapple Supreme Plumcot
- Darsanga Strawberry
- Darselect Strawberry
- Davis Apple
- Delblush Apple (marketed under the Tentation® brand)
- Delcored Apple
- Delicia Apple
- Delkistar Apple
- Deluxe Strawberry
- Dely Strawberry
- Dhprs2 Prunus Rootstock
- Diamante Strawberry
- Diamond Bright Nectarine
- Diamond Candy Peach
- Diamond Jubilee Raspberry
- Diamond June Nectarine
- Diamond Pearl Nectarine
- Diamond Ray Nectarine
- Dinkum Raspberry
- Diprec Prunus Rootstock
- Dity Citrus
- Doc's Delight Persimmon
- Dole-14 Pineapple
- Dolomia Plus Raspberry
- Dolores Blueberry
- Don Carlo Olive
- Don Gillogly Avocado
- Donutnice Nectarine
- Dorit Strawberry
- Doty Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Early Robin (r) brand)
- Double Gold Raspberry
- Douglass Blackberry
- Draper Blueberry
- Dream Strawberry
- DrisBlackEight Blackberry
- DrisBlackEleven Blackberry
- DrisBlackFifteen Blackberry
- DrisBlackFour Blackberry
- DrisBlackFourteen Blackberry
- DrisBlackNine Blackberry
- DrisBlackSeven Blackberry
- DrisBlackSix Blackberry
- DrisBlackSixteen Blackberry
- DrisBlackTen Blackberry
- DrisBlackThirteen Blackberry
- DrisBlackTwelve Blackberry
- DrisBlackTwo Blackberry
- DrisBlueEight Blueberry
- DrisBlueEighteen Blueberry
- DrisBlueEleven Blueberry
- DrisBlueFifteen Blueberry
- DrisBlueFive Blueberry
- DrisBlueFour Blueberry
- DrisBlueFourteen Blueberry
- DrisBlueNine Blueberry
- DrisBlueNineteen Blueberry
- DrisBlueOne Blueberry
- DrisBlueSeventeen Blueberry
- DrisBlueSix Blueberry
- DrisBlueSixteen Blueberry
- DrisBlueThree Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwelve Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwenty Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwentyFive Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwentyFour Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwentyOne Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwentySix Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwentyThree Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwentyTwo Blueberry
- DrisBlueTwo Blueberry
- DrisRaspEight Raspberry
- DrisRaspNine Raspberry
- DrisRaspOne Raspberry
- DrisRaspSeven Raspberry
- DrisRaspSix Raspberry
- DrisRaspThree Raspberry
- DrisRaspTwo Raspberry
- DrisStrawFive Strawberry
- DrisStrawForty Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortyFive Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortyFour Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortyNine Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortyOne Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortySeven Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortySix Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortyThree Strawberry
- DrisStrawFortyTwo Strawberry
- DrisStrawFour Strawberry
- DrisStrawFourteen Strawberry
- DrisStrawNine Strawberry
- DrisStrawOne Strawberry
- DrisStrawSeven Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirteen Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirty Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtyEight Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtyFive Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtyFour Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtyNine Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtyOne Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtySeven Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtySix Strawberry
- DrisStrawThirtyThree Strawberry
- DrisStrawThree Strawberry
- DrisStrawTwelve Strawberry
- DrisStrawTwentyNine Strawberry
- DrisStrawTwentyOne Strawberry
- DrisStrawTwo Strawberry
- Drisblackfive Blackberry
- Drisblackthree Blackberry
- Drisblueseven Blueberry
- Drisblueten Blueberry
- Drisbluethirteen Blueberry
- Driscoll Agoura Strawberry
- Driscoll Atlantis Strawberry
- Driscoll Bonaire Strawberry
- Driscoll Camarillo Strawberry
- Driscoll Cambria Strawberry
- Driscoll Cardinal Raspberry
- Driscoll Carmel Blackberry
- Driscoll Carmelina Raspberry
- Driscoll Coronation Strawberry
- Driscoll Cowles Blackberry
- Driscoll Destin Strawberry
- Driscoll Dulcita Raspberry
- Driscoll El Capitan Strawberry
- Driscoll Estrella Raspberry
- Driscoll Eureka Blackberry
- Driscoll Francesca Raspberry
- Driscoll Jubilee Strawberry
- Driscoll Lanai Strawberry
- Driscoll Madonna Raspberry
- Driscoll Malibu Strawberry
- Driscoll Maravilla Raspberry
- Driscoll Marin Strawberry
- Driscoll Ojai Strawberry
- Driscoll Osceola Strawberry
- Driscoll Pacifica Raspberry
- Driscoll Pearl Strawberry
- Driscoll Sanibel Strawberry
- Driscoll Sausalito Strawberry
- Driscoll Sevillana Raspberry
- Driscoll Sonoma Blackberry
- Driscoll Thornless Sleeping Beauty Blackberry
- Driscoll Venice Strawberry
- Drisraspfive Raspberry
- Drisstrawfifty Strawberry
- Drisstrawthirtytwo Strawberry
- Drisstrawtwentytwo Strawberry
- Duchessa D'Este Peach
- Dudek Apple (marketed under the Red Cameo™ brand)
- Duke Fuji Apple
- Dulcet Apple
- Dunstan Apricot
- Duranas2 Pineapple
- Durango Almond
- Durham Walnut
- E11 Fuzzy Kiwi
- E756-36 Apple
- EB 10-1 Blueberry
- EB 12-19 Blueberry
- EB 8-1 Blueberry
- EB 8-17 Blueberry
- EB 8-21 Blueberry
- EB 8-30 Blueberry
- EB 8-38 Blueberry
- EB 8-42 Blueberry
- EB 8-46 Blueberry
- EB 8-50 Blueberry
- EB 9-12 Blueberry
- EB 9-2 Blueberry
- EB 9-4 Blueberry
- EMS 1409 Strawberry
- EMS 1415 Strawberry
- Earli Sun Apricot
- Earli-Autumn Apricot
- Earlibrite Strawberry
- Earlihoney Nectarine
- Earliqueen Japanese Plum
- Earlirich Peach
- Earlisunrise Apricot
- Earlisweet Sweet Cherry
- Earlitreat Peach
- Early Danae Japanese Plum
- Early Dapple Plumcot
- Early Fry Muscadine
- Early Juan Nectarine
- Early King Sweet Cherry
- Early Pearl Nectarine
- Early Red Sweet Cherry
- Early Rosa Japanese Plum
- Early Sugar Grape
- Eastman Apple
- Ebony Punch Plumcot
- Ebony Rose Plumcot
- Echo Blueberry
- Eclipse Blackberry
- Eclipse Pecan
- Edwards Ambrosia Peach
- El Capitan Sweet Cherry
- El Niño Apple
- Elegance Raspberry
- Eline Quince
- Ellis Pecan
- Emek Pomegranate
- Emerald Blueberry
- Emerald Beaut Japanese Plum
- Emerald Blush Plumcot
- Emerald Drop Plumcot
- Emilia Blackberry
- Emily Raspberry
- Emmons Apple
- Emperor Euro Plum
- Enchantment Grape
- Encore Nectarine (marketed under the Stark (r) Encore brand)
- Encore Raspberry
- Enrosadira Raspberry
- Enterprise Apple
- Eppich 2 Apple
- Erika Raspberry
- Escort Apriplum
- Esta Raspberry
- Eugenin Avocado
- Eureka Seedless Lemon
- Evangeline Strawberry
- Eve's Apple Apple
- Everthornless Blackberry
- Eves Delight Strawberry
- Evita Raspberry
- Evita Strawberry
- Excel Apple
- Excel Pecan
- Explorer Raspberry
- F.P.C.D.O.V. Grape
- F126 Blueberry
- F160 cv Apricot
- F168 cv Apricot
- F194 cv Apricot
- FA 11 Peach (marketed under the Starfire (tm) brand)
- FA 12 Peach (marketed under the Blazingstar (tm) brand)
- FA 1566 Peach (marketed under the Sweetstar (tm) (stellar) brand)
- FA 17 Peach (marketed under the Glowingstar (tm) brand)
- FA 18 Peach (marketed under the Blushingstar (tm) brand)
- FA 42 Peach (marketed under the Autumnstar (tm) brand)
- FA 47 Peach (marketed under the Risingstar (tm) brand)
- FA 52 Peach (marketed under the Redstar (tm) brand)
- FA 59 Peach (marketed under the Coralstar (tm) brand)
- FA 80 Peach (marketed under the Allstar (tm) brand)
- FC11-118 Blueberry
- FC12-029 Blueberry
- FC12-187 Blueberry
- FC12-205 Blueberry
- FC13-083 Blueberry
- FC13-122 Blueberry
- FC14-062 Blueberry
- FCM12-038 Blueberry
- FCM12-045 Blueberry
- FCM12-087 Blueberry
- FCM12-097 Blueberry
- FCM12-131 Blueberry
- FCM14-052 Blueberry
- FF03-015 Blueberry
- FF03-178 Blueberry
- FF04-14 Blueberry
- FHIA-25 Banana
- FHIA-26 Banana
- FL 05-107 Strawberry
- FL01-173 Blueberry
- FL03-228 Blueberry
- FL04-235 Blueberry (marketed under the Chickadee (tm) brand)
- FL98-325 Blueberry (marketed under the Indigocrisp (tm) brand)
- FL98-423 Blueberry
- FLATWO Peach
- FLF-1 Banana
- FLR12-11 Blueberry
- FLR12-89 Blueberry
- FLR14-372 Blueberry
- FLX-2 Blueberry (marketed under the Bountiful Blue (r) brand)
- FP1 Mango
- FP2 Mango
- FR1063 Apple
- FUCIV51 Apple
- FV1901 Blueberry
- FV1904 Blueberry
- FV1906 Blueberry
- FV1907 Blueberry
- FV1908 Blueberry
- FairchildLS Mandarin
- Faith Grape
- Fall Fiesta Plumcot
- Famoso Pistachio
- Farthing Blueberry
- Fengapi Apple
- Festival Red Plumcot
- Fiesta Gem Peach
- Figaro Strawberry
- Filter Cling Peach
- Fire Gem Peach
- Fire Pearl Nectarine
- Fire Sweet Nectarine
- Fire Time Nectarine
- Fire Zest One Peach
- Firelam Sweet Cherry
- Firm Red Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Late Garnet (tm) brand)
- Fla. 90-3 Apple (marketed under the TropicSweet (tm) brand)
- Flame Strawberry
- Flame Glo Nectarine
- Flat delight one Peach
- Flatbeauti Peach
- Flatbella Peach
- Flatop Peach
- Flatpretty Peach
- Flavia Avocado
- Flavor Ann Apriplum
- Flavor Baby Plumcot
- Flavor Blast Plumcot
- Flavor Crisp Plumcot
- Flavor Finale Plumcot
- Flavor Fusion Plumcot
- Flavor Gem Plumcot
- Flavor Gold Plumcot
- Flavor Grenade Plumcot
- Flavor Heart Plumcot
- Flavor Jewel Plumcot
- Flavor Joy Plumcot
- Flavor King Plumcot
- Flavor Mist Plumcot
- Flavor Punch Plumcot
- Flavor Rouge Plumcot
- Flavor Royale Plumcot
- Flavor Treat Plumcot
- Flavor Wynne Plumcot
- Flavorella Plumcot
- Flavorfall Plumcot
- Flavorglo Plumcot
- Flavorich Plumcot
- Flavorite Plumcot
- Flavorosa Plumcot
- Flavorzee-290 Plumcot
- Flavorzee-517 Plumcot
- Flora's Flavor Plumcot
- Florida Beauty Strawberry
- Florida EV1 Sweet Orange
- Florida EV2 Sweet Orange
- Florida Elyana Strawberry
- Florida Radiance Strawberry
- Florida Rose Blueberry
- Florida127 Strawberry
- Folsom Almond
- Forde Walnut
- Fortune Apple
- Foxtrot Apple
- Franklynn Pineapple
- Franor Strawberry
- Frontenac gris Grape
- Fronteras Strawberry
- Fruta De Oro Seedless Avocado
- Fugachee Apple (marketed under the Morning Mist™ brand)
- Fugachee Fuji Apple
- Fuji 216 Apple
- Fuji Compact T.A.C. #114 Apple
- Fuji Fubrax Apple
- Fuji VW Apple
- Fuji-Spike Apple
- Fujiko Apple
- Fujion Apple
- G.814 Apple Rootstock
- G1-6819 Grape
- GA 10F Apricot
- GBN-ONE Nectarine
- GCM 305 Mandarin
- GG-80D Grape
- GL V26 Peach
- GL4/66 Peach
- GP-27 Peach
- GP10 Peach
- GP45-11 Peach
- GRANDEUR Raspberry
- GRE-1198 Apple
- GS-66 Apple
- GUMDROP Pistachio
- GUN-300 Apple
- GW115 Peach (marketed under the Glenglo (tm) brand)
- Ga. 00-7-75 Pecan
- Gabriel Apricot
- Gaia Apple
- Gala 0502 Apple
- Gala 2013 Apple
- Gala Perathoner Apple
- Gala Surf Apple
- Galactica Peach
- Galafab Apple
- Galaval Apple
- Galaxy Blackberry
- Gale Gala Apple
- Garbi Mandarin
- Gaviota Strawberry
- Gayla Rich Peach
- Gem Star Strawberry
- Gemini Apple
- Geo Pride Plumcot
- George's Red Peach
- Georgia Raspberry
- Giant Pearl Nectarine
- Giant Red Sweet Cherry
- Gillet Walnut
- Ginza Strawberry
- Giulia Olive
- Glacier Peach
- Glacier Sweet Cherry
- Glacier Princess Peach
- Glacier Queen Peach
- Gleam Raspberry
- Glen Ample Raspberry
- Glenare Sweet Cherry
- Glencrest Sweet Cherry
- Glenearly Sweet Cherry
- Glenheart Sweet Cherry
- Glenoia Sweet Cherry
- Glenred Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sequoia (tm) brand)
- Glenrock Sweet Cherry
- Gloria Raspberry
- Glory Red Plumcot
- Godiva Raspberry
- Gold Brink Apricot
- Gold Nijisseiki Asian Pear
- GoldRush Apple
- Golden Gem Apricot
- Golden Hills Pistachio
- Golden Parsi Golden Delicious Apple (marketed under the Da Rosa® Golden Delicious brand)
- Golden Princess Peach
- Golden Quilt Raspberry
- Golden Zest Peach
- Goldenblush Apricot
- Goldenmay Apricot
- Goldensweet Apricot
- Goldlane Apple
- Goodwin Peach
- Gradirose Apple
- Gradisca Apple
- Gradiyel Apple
- Grand Bright Nectarine
- Grand Candy Nectarine
- Grand Pearl Nectarine
- Grand Sweet Nectarine
- Gransun Nectarine
- Gratitude Grape
- Great Green Grape
- Green Diamond Sweet Orange
- Green Jade Japanese Plum
- Green Onyx Grape
- Greensweet XXI Plumcot
- Grenada Strawberry
- Gulfbeauty Japanese Plum
- Gulfblaze Japanese Plum
- Gulfcrest Peach
- Gulfking Peach
- Gulfprince Peach
- Gulfrose Japanese Plum
- Gumbo Blueberry
- H 1995 cv Apricot
- H2-169 Euro Pear
- H28-52-96270 Peach (marketed under the Flat Wonderful (tm) brand)
- HADASS Citrus
- HB110 Peach
- HC2-1 Apple
- HFY01 Fuzzy Kiwi
- HIDshurtleff Olive
- HJ-6 Blackberry
- HJ-7 Blackberry
- HOT84A1 Apple
- HS RED Apple
- HW624 Euro Pear
- HX Blueberry
- Haas Sweet Cherry (marketed under the BlackYork™ brand)
- Hall Muscadine
- Hall's Beauty Blackberry
- Hampshire Apple
- Harrow Crisp Euro Pear (marketed under the AC Harrow Crisp (tm) brand)
- Harrow Gold Euro Pear (marketed under the AC Harrow Gold (tm) brand)
- Harrow Sweet Euro Pear
- Harry Black Gala Apple
- Hartencourt Cortland Apple (marketed under the Royal Court® Cortland brand)
- Hartenmac NS 219 Apple
- Hartland Sweet Cherry
- Harvest Avocado
- Hein Apple
- Heintooga Blueberry
- Hercules Apple
- Hermosa Apriplum
- Herriot Strawberry
- Hesse Peach
- Hiromi Red Japanese Plum
- Holiday Japanese Plum
- Hollins Raspberry
- Holyoke Raspberry
- Honey Blaze Nectarine
- Honey Diva Nectarine
- Honey Fire Nectarine
- Honey Gold Pineapple
- Honey Haven Nectarine
- Honey Kist Nectarine
- Honey Lite Nectarine
- Honey May Nectarine
- Honey Punch Plumcot
- Honey Rich Apriplum
- Honey Royale Nectarine
- Honey Spring Nectarine
- HoneySweet Euro Plum
- Honeylicious Nectarine
- Honeysuckle Rose #1-6 Apple (marketed under the Ruby Darling (tm) brand)
- Hongyang Fuzzy Kiwi
- Hoogi045 Blueberry
- Hope Grape
- Hort16A Fuzzy Kiwi
- Hort22D Fuzzy Kiwi
- Hort51-1785 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Hortarine1 Nectarine
- Hortblue Poppins Blueberry
- Hortgem Rua Hardy Kiwi
- Hortgem Tahi Hardy Kiwi
- Hortgem Toru Hardy Kiwi
- Hortgem Wha Hardy Kiwi
- Hougetsu Asian Pear
- How Red Nectarine
- Howell TC2 Apple
- Howell TC3 Apple (marketed under the Lucy Glo™ brand)
- Howell TC4 WF Apple
- Howell TC5 WF Apple
- Howell TC7 Apple
- Huaguan Apple (marketed under the Autumn Glory (r) brand)
- Huashuai Apple
- Huffman Pecan
- Huntington Apriplum
- Huron Blueberry
- I-15 Olive
- IASMA ECO 1 Grape
- IASMA ECO 3 Grape
- IFG 104-253 Grape
- IFG 31-077 Grape
- IFG 68-175 Grape
- IFG Cher-five Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cherry Treat (tm) brand)
- IFG Cher-four Raspberry
- IFG Cher-one Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cherry Grant (tm) brand)
- IFG Cher-seven Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cherry Moon (tm) brand)
- IFG Cher-six Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cherry Glow (tm) brand)
- IFG Cher-three Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cherry Crunch (tm) brand)
- IFG Cher-two Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cherry Burst (tm) brand)
- IFG Eight Grape
- IFG Eighteen Grape
- IFG Eleven Grape
- IFG Fifteen Grape
- IFG Five Grape
- IFG Four Grape
- IFG Fourteen Grape
- IFG Nine Grape
- IFG Nineteen Grape
- IFG Seven Grape (marketed under the Cotton Candy (tm) brand)
- IFG Seventeen Grape
- IFG Six Grape
- IFG Sixteen Grape
- IFG Ten Grape
- IFG Thirteen Grape
- IFG Twelve Grape
- IFG Twenty Grape
- IFG Twenty-Five Grape
- IFG Twenty-one Grape
- IFG Twenty-six Grape
- IFG Twenty-three Grape
- IFG Twenty-two Grape
- IMAGINE Raspberry
- INTREPID Raspberry
- IPADOR Apple
- Iasma Eco 2 Grape
- Ice Queen Peach
- Ice Zee Peach
- Idea Strawberry
- Illini Hardy Blackberry
- Imara Apple
- Improved Chancellor Grape
- Iniagrape-one Grape
- Inobi Apple
- Inolov Apple
- Intrepid Peach
- Irene Apple
- Isabel Raspberry
- Isadora Apple
- Ischia Strawberry
- Island King Peach
- Island Prince Peach
- Island Princess Peach
- Ivory May Peach
- Ivory Princess Peach
- Ivory Queen Peach
- JAAC Blueberry
- JB05-22-3-27 Grape
- JM7 Apple
- JR 7827 Peach
- JR13 Grapefruit
- Jackson Apple
- Jaclyn Raspberry
- Janet Peach
- Janice Fig
- Jayfree Euro Plum
- Jeanne D'Orleans Raspberry
- Jewel Blueberry
- Jive Apple
- Joan Irene Raspberry
- Joan J Raspberry
- Joanna Red Japanese Plum
- Joanna Sweet Peach
- Joburn Apple
- Joliette Strawberry
- Jolly Grape
- Joly Strawberry
- Jonagored Supra Apple
- Jordanne Apricot
- Jored Apple
- Jork 57/201 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Regina (tm) brand)
- Josephine Raspberry
- Joy Grape
- Jugala Apple
- Juliepretty Peach
- July Bright Nectarine
- July Pearl Nectarine
- June Bright Nectarine
- June Candy Nectarine
- June Honey Peach
- June Lion Nectarine
- June Pearl Nectarine
- June Sweet Nectarine
- June Time Peach
- Jupiter Grape
- K1 89 Fuzzy Kiwi
- KANKI Apple
- KAY DIAMOND V Nectarine
- KB1 Other Rootstocks
- KEDEM Citrus
- KIZURI Apple
- KORONEIKI selection OLINT Olive
- KZ02 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Kader Peach
- Kahl Almond
- Kaiteri Pineapple Guava
- Kakariki Pineapple Guava
- Kamel Pomegranate
- Karninka Sweet Orange
- Katahdin Blueberry
- Kaweah Peach
- Kay Diamond Nectarine
- Kay Diamond VII Nectarine
- Kay Diamond VIII Nectarine
- Kay Glo Nectarine
- Kay Pearl Nectarine
- Kay Rich Peach
- Kay Sweet Nectarine
- Kenmore Euro Plum (marketed under the NY9™ brand)
- Kester Almond
- Key Largo Strawberry
- Kings Kat Plumcot
- Kingsburg Cling Peach
- KinnowLS Mandarin
- Kiowa Blackberry
- Kirameki Apple
- Kirkwood Red Sweet Orange
- Kitaro Apple
- Kiwigold Raspberry
- Kizashi Apple
- Klamath Peach
- Klondike White Peach
- Knottenbelt Red Apple
- Kochi Almond
- Kokanee Raspberry
- Kootenay Sweet Cherry
- Korere Raspberry
- Korpiko Raspberry
- Korvik Sweet Cherry
- Kotaro Apple
- Kotobuki Shinsui Asian Pear
- Krista Peach
- L'Amour Strawberry
- LATE BRIGHT Nectarine
- LB8-9 Mandarin (marketed under the Sugar Belle (tm) brand)
- LILI Strawberry
- LONE STAR Almond
- LRP40/205 Japanese Plum
- LRP40A Japanese Plum
- La Cle des Champs Strawberry
- Ladina Apple
- Lady Laura Apple
- Lady in Red Apple
- Laetitia Japanese Plum
- Lagorai Plus Raspberry
- Laguna Apriplum
- Laguna Strawberry
- Lali Avocado
- Lamb Hass Avocado
- Lange Rosy Red Valencia Sweet Orange
- Large Red Sweet Cherry
- Larry's Red Nectarine
- Larson B-36 Grape
- Last Call Blueberry
- Late Brittney Apriplum
- Late Fry Muscadine
- Late Pearl Nectarine
- Late Ross Peach
- Late Seedless Mandarin Mandarin
- Laura Nectarine
- Lauren Raspberry
- Laurol Peach
- Lawrence Raspberry
- Leanri Citrus
- Lecciana Olive
- Lentz Jonagold Apple (marketed under the Jonastar (tm) brand)
- Leopold Mango
- Leprechaun Nectarine
- Levfiv Pawpaw (marketed under the Susquehanna (tm) brand)
- Lewis Apple
- Liberty Blueberry
- Lido Strawberry
- Lilleland Peach
- Lillian CVI Prunus Rootstock
- Limoneira Seedless Citrus
- Linosa Strawberry
- Little Prince Banana
- Liz's Late Nectarine
- Llanos Hass Avocado
- Lochbuie Red Braeburn Apple
- Lost Hills Pistachio
- Louisa Apricot
- Lowry Red Euro Pear
- Lucero Blueberry
- Lucia Blueberry
- Lucia Strawberry
- Lucky Rose Golden Apple
- Luiza Apple
- Lupita Raspberry
- Lurechild Apple
- Lydecker Japanese Plum (marketed under the Black Ice (tm) brand)
- Lynn Apple
- M 44-14 Grape
- M 48-42 Grape
- M7 Citrus
- M9-RN19 Apple
- M9-RN29 Apple
- M9-RN8 Apple
- MAC 2137 Apple
- MAIA-L Apple (marketed under the Ludacrisp® brand)
- MAIA-T Apple
- MAIA-Z Apple (marketed under the Sweet Zinger® brand)
- MAIA1 Apple (marketed under the EverCrisp® brand)
- MAIA11 Apple (marketed under the Rosalee® brand)
- MAIA12 Apple (marketed under the Summerset® brand)
- MAIA7 Apple (marketed under the Crunch-a-Bunch (tm) brand)
- MAIA8 Apple (marketed under the Baker's Delight (tm) brand)
- MAJESTIC Raspberry
- MAKALI Apple
- MARVEL Strawberry
- MASEPO Olive
- MAXIMA Almond
- MAY PEARL Nectarine
- MAY PEARL II Nectarine
- MC-51 Apple
- MC38 Apple (marketed under the Crimson Snow® brand)
- MC5 Apricot
- MELISSA Strawberry
- MG 200 Sweet Cherry
- MG07876-15-003 Blueberry
- MG09768-05-002 Blueberry
- MG11543-23-004 Blueberry
- MG11654-24-001 Blueberry
- MILLY Apple
- MIRA Almond
- MIRIAM Avocado
- MM01 Blackberry
- MN 1166, La Crescent Grape
- MN80 Apple (marketed under the Triumph! (tm) brand)
- MNUS 138 Strawberry (marketed under the Itasca™ brand)
- MNUS 210 Strawberry (marketed under the Winona™ brand)
- MNUS 248 Strawberry (marketed under the Mesabi™ brand)
- MORED Apple
- MSUP8706 Peach
- Mac12/45 Apricot
- Mac12/54 Apricot
- Macarena Strawberry
- Macy Cot Apriplum
- Maddison Sweet Cherry
- Madeira Strawberry
- Madonna Sun Peach
- Magellan Strawberry
- Magna Blueberry
- Magnus Blueberry
- Magriver Mango
- Mahana Red Braeburn Apple
- Majestic Pearl Nectarine
- Majestic Sweet Nectarine
- Majesty Apple
- Majesty Muscadine
- Malah Strawberry
- Malibu Apriplum
- Malibu Strawberry
- Maluma Avocado
- Malwina Strawberry
- Mann Japanese Plum
- Mara Des Bois Strawberry
- Marathon Strawberry
- Marcela Raspberry
- Marchini Almond
- Marcia's Flavor Plumcot
- Marcianna Raspberry
- Margaux Grape
- Margherita Strawberry
- Mariah Grape
- Mariri Red Apple
- Marisol Strawberry
- Marquette Grape
- Marquis Grape
- Marshall Rose Nectarine
- Marys Peak Strawberry
- Mas926 Apricot
- Maslin Pink Apple (marketed under the Wild Pink™ Maslin brand)
- Masonova Apple
- Matan Almond
- Matinee Japanese Plum
- May Kist Nectarine
- May Sweet Peach
- Mayo Apple (marketed under the Franklin Cider (tm) brand)
- McLaughlin Gala Apple (marketed under the Blondee® Gala brand)
- MeKong Giant Banana
- Melrose Japanese Plum
- Mendez No. 1 Avocado
- Merav Citrus
- Merbeingold 2336 Mandarin
- Merbeingold 2350 Mandarin
- Merced Strawberry
- Merensky 2 Avocado
- Merit Strawberry
- Merle Fuzzy Kiwi
- Mesembrine Nectarine
- Mike's Red Nectarine
- Millennia Blueberry
- Milwa Apple (marketed under the Junami® and Diwa® brand)
- Mini Blues Blueberry
- Minneiska Apple (marketed under the SweeTango® brand)
- Minnewashta Apple (marketed under the Zestar! (r) brand)
- Minnie Royal Sweet Cherry
- Mira Strawberry
- Mirador Strawberry
- Miriela Apple
- Miwang Plumcot
- Moana Apple
- Mojave Strawberry
- Monalisa Apple
- Mondaju Apple
- Montalvo Strawberry
- Monterey Strawberry
- Moon Rouge Apple
- Moonlight Apple
- Moonsu Peach
- Mor Mandarin
- Morgan Sunrise Navel Sweet Orange
- Moria Citrus
- Morley Almond
- Morning Lord Peach
- Mosquito Citrus
- Motueka Raspberry
- Moutere Raspberry
- Mt. Timp Gold Apple
- Murano Strawberry
- Murietta Japanese Plum
- Myra Apple
- N13-32 Sweet Orange
- N40W-6-3 Mandarin
- N7-3 Sweet Orange
- NB-1 Strawberry
- NC1 Apple
- NC4 Euro Pear
- NECTACHIEF Nectarine
- NECTAFLASH Nectarine
- NECTAJOY Nectarine
- NECTANA Nectarine
- NECTARELSE Nectarine
- NJ 150 Apple (marketed under the RubyRush (tm) brand)
- NJ 350 Peach (marketed under the Desiree (r) brand)
- NJ 351 Peach (marketed under the Gloria (r) brand)
- NJ 352 Peach (marketed under the Messina (r) brand)
- NJ 353 Peach (marketed under the Victoria® brand)
- NJ 354 Peach (marketed under the July Rose (tm) brand)
- NJ 355 Peach (marketed under the Scarlet Rose (tm) brand)
- NJ 356 Peach (marketed under the August Rose (tm) brand)
- NJ 357 Peach (marketed under the Evelynn (tm) brand)
- NJ 358 Peach (marketed under the Selena (tm) brand)
- NJ 359 Peach (marketed under the Tiana (tm) brand)
- NJ 55 Apple (marketed under the Suncrisp (tm) brand)
- NJ00-48-03 Strawberry
- NJ08-08-6 Strawberry
- NJ109 Apple
- NJ8607-2 Strawberry
- NJ8614-2 Strawberry
- NJ8826-11 Strawberry
- NJ99-204-1 Strawberry
- NJA 150 Apricot (marketed under the Sugar Pearls (tm) brand)
- NJA 151 Apricot (marketed under the Ilona™ brand)
- NJA 152 Apricot (marketed under the Honey Pearls™ "nectacot" brand)
- NJA 53 Apricot (marketed under the Early Blush® brand)
- NJA 54 Apricot (marketed under the SunGem® brand)
- NJF 15 Peach (marketed under the BuenOs™ II brand)
- NJF 16 Peach (marketed under the TangOs® brand)
- NJF 17 Peach (marketed under the TangOs® II brand)
- NJF 18 Peach (marketed under the BuenOs™ brand)
- NJF 20 Nectarine
- NJN 100 Nectarine (marketed under the Silver Gem (r) brand)
- NJN 101 Nectarine (marketed under the Avalon™ brand)
- NJN 102 Nectarine (marketed under the Brigantine™ brand)
- NJN 103 Nectarine (marketed under the Silverglo (tm) brand)
- NJS98-23 Cranberry
- NMBP 1201 Mango
- NMBP-1243 Mango
- NMBP-4069 Mango
- NN08002 Raspberry
- NN12026 Raspberry
- NOA Mango
- NR7 Raspberry (marketed under the Raspberry Shortcake® and Ruby Beauty® brand)
- NS 13-1 Blueberry
- NS 13-4 Blueberry
- NS 13-5 Blueberry
- NS 13-6 Blueberry
- NS 14-1 Blueberry
- NS 14-3 Blueberry
- NS 14-4 Blueberry
- NS 14-5 Blueberry
- NS 14-7 Blueberry
- NS 15-13 Blueberry
- NS 15-22 Blueberry
- NS 15-5 Blueberry
- NS 16-15 Blueberry
- NS 16-18 Blueberry
- NS 16-2 Blueberry
- NS 16-7 Blueberry
- NS 16-8 Blueberry
- NY 1 Apple (marketed under the Snapdragon (tm) brand)
- NY 109 Apple (marketed under the Firecracker (tm) brand)
- NY 2 Apple (marketed under the Rubyfrost (tm) brand)
- NY 56 Apple (marketed under the Cordera (tm) brand)
- NY 73 Apple (marketed under the Pink Luster (tm) brand)
- Nabila Strawberry
- Nactavanpi Nectarine
- Nadia Japanese Plum
- Nadorcott Mandarin
- Nama Strawberry
- Nantahala Raspberry
- Natchez Blackberry
- Neal Avocado
- Nectabang Nectarine
- Nectabelle Nectarine
- Nectabingo Nectarine
- Nectadelicious Nectarine
- Nectadiva Nectarine
- Nectafine Nectarine
- Nectafun Nectarine
- Nectagala Nectarine
- Nectajulie Nectarine
- Nectaking Nectarine
- Nectalady Nectarine
- Nectaperle Nectarine
- Nectapi Nectarine
- Nectapink Nectarine
- Nectaprima Nectarine
- Nectar Citrus
- Nectarbondant Nectarine
- Nectarboom Nectarine
- Nectarcrisp Nectarine
- Nectardream Nectarine
- Nectareine Nectarine
- Nectarexquise Nectarine
- Nectarflora Nectarine
- Nectariane Nectarine
- Nectarjewel Nectarine
- Nectarjune Nectarine
- Nectarlight Nectarine
- Nectarlove Nectarine
- Nectarmagie Nectarine
- Nectaroyal Nectarine
- Nectarperf Nectarine
- Nectarreve Nectarine
- Nectarruby Nectarine
- Nectartic Nectarine
- Nectasia Nectarine
- Nectatinto Nectarine
- Nectatop Nectarine
- Nectavantop Nectarine
- Nectavista Nectarine
- Nellie Euro Pear
- Neptune Grape
- Neptune V Peach
- Nettleton Creamy White Blackberry
- Nevson Apple (marketed under the Sonya (tm) brand)
- New Hanover Blueberry
- Newfane Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Whitegold (tm) brand)
- Nico Avocado
- Nicogreen Apple (marketed under the Greenstar® brand)
- Nicoter Apple (marketed under the Kanzi® brand)
- Niwot Raspberry
- Nokomis Grape
- Nora Citrus
- Norman Blueberry
- Nuevo Rojo Brillante Persimmon
- Nzsummer3 Apricot
- OLL-4 Sweet Orange
- OLL-8 Sweet Orange
- OVATION Raspberry
- Obelisk Apple
- Obrogala Apple
- Ocean Blue Blueberry
- Ochlockonee Blueberry
- Octavia Strawberry
- Odem Citrus
- Odysso Apple (marketed under the Redlove® Odysso and Redlove® 119/06 brand)
- Ofra Strawberry
- Ohio's Treasure Raspberry
- Olsen Bosc Euro Pear
- Olsentwo Gala Apple (marketed under the Pacific Gala (tm) brand)
- Olympus Sweet Cherry
- Onebor Strawberry
- Opal Star Pineapple Guava
- Opera Strawberry
- Opportunity Grape
- Optimus Blueberry
- Orange Star Mango
- Orion Apple
- Orleans Strawberry
- Orri Citrus
- Osa Gold Asian Pear
- Osage Blackberry
- Osorno Blueberry
- Ouachita Blackberry
- Ovation Nectarine (marketed under the Stark (r) Ovation brand)
- Overtime Blueberry
- Ozarkblue Blueberry
- P-1972 Pineapple
- P061103V Strawberry
- P448-2 Euro Pear
- PA1UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sweet Aryana (r) brand)
- PA2UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sweet Lorenz (r) brand)
- PA3UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sweet Gabriel (r) brand)
- PA4UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sweet Valina (r) brand)
- PA5UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sweet Saretta (r) brand)
- PA6UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Marysa (r) brand)
- PA7UNIBO Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sweet Stephany (r) brand)
- PAC 941 Prunus Rootstock
- PARAGON Raspberry
- PB-148 Apple
- PC7064-3 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Selah (r) brand)
- PC7144-6 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Tieton (r) brand)
- PC7146-23 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Chelan (tm) brand)
- PC7146-8 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Benton (r) brand)
- PC7222-1 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Index (tm) brand)
- PC7903-2 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Cowiche (tm) brand)
- PC8007-2 Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Kiona (tm) brand)
- PC8011-3 Sweet Cherry
- PE Apple
- PE-3.219 Strawberry
- PE-3.222 Strawberry
- PE-6.2036 Strawberry
- PE-7.2059 Strawberry
- PE1UNIBO Euro Pear
- PE2UNIBO Euro Pear
- PE3UNIBO Euro Pear
- PE4UNIBO Euro Pear
- PF 1 Peach (marketed under the Flamin' Fury (r) PF 1 brand)
- PF 11 Peach (marketed under the Flamin' Fury (r) PF 11 brand)
- PF 11 Nectarine Nectarine
- PF 12A Peach
- PF 12B Peach
- PF 14 New Jersey Peach
- PF 15A Peach
- PF 17 Peach
- PF 19-007 Peach
- PF 20-007 Peach
- PF 22-007 Peach
- PF 23 Peach
- PF 24-007 Peach (marketed under the Flamin' Fury (r) PF 24-007 brand)
- PF 24C Cold Hardy Peach (marketed under the Flamin' Fury (r) PF 24C Cold Hardy brand)
- PF 25 Peach
- PF 27A Peach
- PF 28-007 Peach
- PF 30-007 Peach
- PF 36-007 Peach
- PF 5B Peach
- PF 5D Big Peach
- PF 7 Peach
- PF 7A Freestone Peach
- PF 8 Ball Peach
- PF 9A-007 Peach (marketed under the Flamin' Fury (r) PF 9A-007 brand)
- PF Big George Peach
- PF Early 8 Ball Peach
- PF Fat Lady Peach
- PF Lucky 12 Peach
- PF Lucky 13 Peach (marketed under the Flamin' Fury (r) PF Lucky 13 brand)
- PF Lucky 21 Peach
- PF Lucky 24B Peach
- PIIPG-I Pomegranate
- PLARIONFRE Strawberry
- PLFOG99 Apple (marketed under the Pink Belle (tm) brand)
- PLUMRED I Plumcot
- PLUMSWEET XIX Japanese Plum
- PLUMSWEETTWO Japanese Plum
- PRESTIGE Strawberry
- PS-06.024-27 Raspberry
- PS-08.019-25 Raspberry
- PS-1031 Strawberry
- PS-1049 Raspberry
- PS-1070 Raspberry
- PS-1150 Strawberry
- PS-1269 Strawberry
- PS-1703 Raspberry
- PS-1764 Raspberry
- PS-1852 Raspberry
- PS-2299 Strawberry
- PS-2880 Strawberry
- PS-3395 Strawberry
- PS-3456 Strawberry
- PS-3523 Strawberry
- PS-3546 Strawberry
- PS-4634 Strawberry
- PS-5016 Strawberry
- PS-5096 Strawberry
- PS-5298 Strawberry
- PS-592 Strawberry
- PS-776 Strawberry
- PS-9514 Raspberry
- PSI 308 Strawberry
- PSI 737 Raspberry
- PSI 744 Raspberry
- PV 1027 Apple
- Pacific Strawberry
- Pacific Deluxe Raspberry
- Pacific Gema Raspberry
- Pacific Majesty Raspberry
- Pacific Royale Raspberry
- Pacific Starlet Raspberry
- Palmetto Blueberry
- Palomar Strawberry
- Parga No. 2 Citrus
- Paulk Muscadine
- Pearl Raspberry
- Pearl Princess IV Peach
- Pearl Princess IX Peach
- Pearl Princess V Peach
- Pearl Princess XII Peach
- Pearl Princess XIII Peach
- Pearlicious I Nectarine
- Pearlicious II Nectarine
- Pearlicious III Nectarine
- Pearlicious VII Nectarine
- Pearlicious X Nectarine
- Pearlicious XVI Nectarine
- Pearlicious XVII Nectarine
- Pearlicious XXII Nectarine
- Pearlicious XXIII Nectarine
- Pecos Blackberry
- Pedro Lopez Late Avocado
- Peggy Asian Pear
- Pendleton Sweet Cherry (marketed under the BlushingGold (tm) brand)
- Perpetua Blueberry
- Petaluma Strawberry
- Pete I Pistachio
- Pflum's Best Avocado
- Pi 80 Select Apple
- Pink Chief Apple
- Pink Storm Quince
- Pinnacle Blueberry
- Pinot Prince Apple
- Pinova Apple (marketed under the Piñata (r) brand)
- Pinta Nectarine
- Pismo Apricot
- Plablanec Nectarine
- Plablue 1502 Blueberry
- Plablue 15122 Blueberry
- Plablue 1525 Blueberry
- Plablue 1542 Blueberry
- Plablue 1545 Blueberry
- Plablue 1549 Blueberry
- Placocifre Strawberry
- Plahuelfre Strawberry
- Planasa 02-32 Strawberry
- Planasa 0949 Strawberry
- Planasa 0955 Strawberry
- Planchon Fuzzy Kiwi
- Plapiomel Peach
- Platanomel Peach
- Platornec Nectarine
- Plawhite 5 Peach
- Playa Strawberry
- Plumcandy X Plumcot
- Plumcandy XII Japanese Plum
- Plumgiant I Japanese Plum
- Plumgiant II Plumcot
- Plumred IX Plumcot
- Plumred VI Plumcot
- Plumred VII Plumcot
- Plumred VIII Plumcot
- Plumred XI Plumcot
- Plumred XII Japanese Plum
- Plumsweet IV Plumcot
- Plumsweet V Plumcot
- Plumsweet VI Plumcot
- Plumsweet VII Plumcot
- Plumsweet X Plumcot
- Plumsweet XIV Plumcot
- Plumsweet XV Plumcot
- Plumsweet XVI Plumcot
- Plumsweet XVII Japanese Plum
- Plumsweet XVIII Japanese Plum
- Plumsweetone Japanese Plum
- Plumsweetthree Plumcot
- Polar Gem Nectarine
- Polar Kist Nectarine
- Polar Light Nectarine
- Polar Magic Nectarine
- Polar Pride Nectarine
- Polar Princess Peach
- Polar Snow Nectarine
- Polar Sweet Nectarine
- Polaris Japanese Plum
- Poppy Apricot
- Poquito Banana
- Portola Strawberry
- Preakness Strawberry
- Prelude Raspberry
- Prem1P Euro Pear (marketed under the Maxie (tm) brand)
- Prem2P Euro Pear (marketed under the Crispie (tm) brand)
- PremA003 Apple
- PremA093 Apple
- PremA129 Apple (marketed under the Dazzle (tm) brand)
- PremA153 Apple
- PremA17 Apple (marketed under the Smitten™ brand)
- PremA193 Apple
- PremA280 Apple (marketed under the Sweetie™ brand)
- PremA34 Apple (marketed under the Cherish (tm) brand)
- PremA92 Apple
- PremA96 Apple
- PremP003 Euro Pear
- PremP009 Euro Pear
- PremP027 Euro Pear
- PremP109 Euro Pear
- PremP33 Euro Pear
- PremP52 Euro Pear
- Premero Avocado
- Premier Star Apple
- Pretty Lady Peach
- Prima Diamond 19 Nectarine
- Prima Gattie Peach
- Primadonna Blueberry
- Primetime Japanese Plum
- Prince Jim Nectarine
- Princess Time Peach
- Prize Strawberry
- Prophecy Grape
- Psi-1014 Raspberry
- Puget Reliance Strawberry
- QHI Sugarbaby Strawberry
- Queen Mandarin
- Queen Garnet Japanese Plum
- R1-T2 Peach
- R10-45 Apple
- R10/8 Mango
- R202 Apple
- R203 Apple
- R82358 Nectarine
- RA Banana
- RA/17 Mango
- RBB7-34 Sweet Orange
- RDS Apple
- REDYUMMY Japanese Plum
- RGLORS Apple
- RHEA Almond
- RHM Citrus
- RIDLEY 1602 Blueberry
- RIDLEY 4408 Blueberry
- RIDLEY 4514 Blueberry
- RIDLEY 4609 Blueberry
- RKD Apple (marketed under the Wildfire™ Gala brand)
- RM-1 Apple
- ROHO 3615 Apple
- RR2a Sweet Cherry
- RS-3 Grape
- RS-9 Grape
- RS1 Apple
- RS103-110 Apple
- RS103-130 Apple
- RYOKU NH-11 Blueberry
- RYOKU NH-12 Blueberry
- RYOKU NH-13 Blueberry
- Radiance Raspberry
- Rafiki Raspberry
- Rafzaqu Raspberry
- Ralli Seedless Grape
- Randy Pistachio
- Rania Strawberry
- Rankin Red Fuji Apple (marketed under the Daybreak™ Fuji brand)
- Rattray Peach
- Rebel Blueberry
- Rebella Apple (marketed under the Bella™ brand)
- Record Strawberry
- Red BG Apple
- Red Bright Nectarine
- Red Crystal Sweet Cherry
- Red Jay Pomegranate
- Red Jewel Nectarine
- Red Jonaprince Apple (marketed under the Wilton's® Red Jonaprince brand)
- Red Majesty Japanese Plum
- Red Merlin Strawberry
- Red Noble Japanese Plum
- Red Princess Peach
- Red Princess II Peach
- Red Princess III Peach
- Red Roy Nectarine
- Red Ryan Nectarine
- Red Topaz Apple
- Redlac Sweet Cherry
- Redlam Sweet Cherry
- Redondo Apricot
- Redstart Strawberry
- Reed Nectarine
- Regal 11-79 Apple
- Regal 13-82 Apple (marketed under the Juici (tm) brand)
- Regal D17-121 Apple
- Regal D5-100 Apple
- Regal Pearl Nectarine
- Regal Red Nectarine
- Regalyou Apple
- Reliance Strawberry
- Renact Fuzzy Kiwi
- Renoir Apple
- Reuben Blackberry
- Rich Fire Peach
- Rich Magic Peach
- Rich Pride Peach
- Rich Snow Peach
- Ridgewood Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Blackgold (tm) brand)
- Ridley 0808 Blueberry
- Ridley 1104 Blueberry
- Ridley 1111 Blueberry
- Ridley 1212 Blueberry
- Ridley 1403 Blueberry
- Ridley 1607 Blueberry
- Ridley 3402 Blueberry
- Ridley1702 Blueberry
- Rishon Citrus
- Rizzi Peach
- Robada Apricot
- Robeson Blueberry
- Rode Doyenne Van Doorn Euro Pear
- Roksolana Euro Pear
- Roma Seedless Grape
- Romagold Apple
- Romero Blueberry
- Romina Strawberry
- Rosa Linda Strawberry
- Rosalie Apple
- Rosalolam Sweet Cherry
- Rose Bright Nectarine
- Rose Princess Peach
- Rosetta Almond
- Rosie Rainier Sweet Cherry
- Rosilam Sweet Cherry
- Rosy Bell Apricot
- Rosy Glow Apple
- Rosy Jewel Japanese Plum
- Rosé Pineapple
- Rotem Strawberry
- Royal Beaut Apple
- Royal Belle Sweet Cherry
- Royal Bright Nectarine
- Royal Dawn Sweet Cherry
- Royal Edie Sweet Cherry
- Royal Glo Nectarine
- Royal Hazel Sweet Cherry
- Royal Helen Sweet Cherry
- Royal Kay Sweet Cherry
- Royal Lady Peach
- Royal Lee Sweet Cherry
- Royal Letty Sweet Cherry
- Royal Lydia Sweet Cherry
- Royal Lynn Sweet Cherry
- Royal Rainier Sweet Cherry
- Royal Ruby Nectarine
- Royal Tioga Sweet Cherry
- Royal Treat Plumcot
- Royal Zest Four Peach
- Royal zest one Peach
- Royal zest three Peach
- Royal zest two Peach
- Royalton Sweet Cherry
- Rubicon Strawberry
- Rubilam Sweet Cherry
- Rubirosa Japanese Plum
- Ruby Apricot
- Ruby Strawberry
- Ruby Bright Nectarine
- Ruby Diamond Nectarine
- Ruby June Strawberry
- Ruby Kat Plumcot
- Ruby Pearl Nectarine
- Ruby Pink Apple (marketed under the Pink Lady® (Ruby Pink) brand)
- Ruby Sweet Nectarine
- Russetted Bartlett Euro Pear
- Ryoka Apple
- S 5848 Peach
- S 6359 Peach
- S 6816 Nectarine
- S 6817 Nectarine
- S-49 Fig
- S-6368 Peach
- S-64 Fig
- S600 Fuzzy Kiwi
- SAN RAFAEL Raspberry
- SC2 Apricot
- SEPOKA Olive
- SF14W-62 Sweet Orange (marketed under the Valquarius (tm) brand)
- SHEEGENE 25 Grape
- SJ303 Apple
- SJCA38R6A74 Apple
- SMS 16-CA 2014-16 Sweet Cherry
- SMS-9CA 2014-9 Sweet Cherry
- SMT-6 Banana
- SO 7 Apple
- SORELI Grape
- SPA766 Apple
- SR 500 Sweet Cherry
- SSL 93 Strawberry
- STB14/22 Apricot
- SUGAR PEARL Nectarine
- SUGARRED I Nectarine
- SV21-61-373 Grape
- SV22-104e-84 Grape
- SWTCOL Strawberry
- Saaid Strawberry
- Sable Strawberry
- Sabrina Strawberry
- Sabrosa Strawberry
- Safari Strawberry
- Safor Mandarin
- Sahara Strawberry
- Saint-Jean d'Orleans Strawberry
- Saint-Laurent d'Orleans Strawberry
- San Andreas Strawberry
- San Juan Strawberry
- San Miguel Strawberry
- Sangria Red Plumcot
- Sangria Red-2 Plumcot
- Santa Fe Blueberry
- Santa Maria Nectarine
- Sapphire Blueberry
- Sapphire Raspberry
- Sarafina Raspberry
- Sarah Anne Grape
- Sauzee Gem Peach
- Sauzee Giant Peach
- Sauzee Jewel Peach
- Sauzee King Nectarine
- Sauzee Lady Peach
- Sauzee Pride Peach
- Sauzee Prince Nectarine
- Sauzee Queen Peach
- Savana Almond
- Savory Blueberry
- Scarlet Strawberry
- Scarlet Sweet Cherry
- Scarlet Royal Grape
- Scarlet Snow Peach
- Scarlet Sun Nectarine
- Scarlett Muscadine
- Schwartze Strawberry
- Sciearly Apple (marketed under the Pacific Beauty (r) brand)
- Scifresh Apple (marketed under the Jazz (tm) brand)
- Scilate Apple (marketed under the Envy (tm) brand)
- Scintilla Blueberry
- Seacliff Apriplum
- Seaton99 Apple
- Sebring Blueberry
- Seneca Strawberry
- Sentinel Blueberry
- September Bright Nectarine
- September King Japanese Plum
- September Snow Peach
- September Wonder Fuji Apple
- September Yummy Japanese Plum
- Sequoia Fig
- Serenata Strawberry
- Sevilla Blueberry
- Sexton Walnut
- Shaked Strawberry
- Shalom Strawberry
- Shani Citrus
- Shani Raspberry
- Sharktooth Strawberry
- Sharon Strawberry
- Sheegene-1 Grape
- Sheegene-10 Grape
- Sheegene-12 Grape
- Sheegene-13 Grape
- Sheegene-14 Grape
- Sheegene-15 Grape
- Sheegene-16 Grape
- Sheegene-17 Grape
- Sheegene-18 Grape
- Sheegene-21 Grape
- Sheegene-22 Grape
- Sheegene-24 Grape
- Sheegene-3 Grape
- Sheegene-4 Grape
- Sheegene-5 Grape
- Sheegene-7 Grape
- Sheegene-8 Grape
- Sheegene-9 Grape
- Sherri's Flavor Plumcot
- Sherrill Delight Peach
- Shinku Apple
- Showtime Japanese Plum
- Sierra Gem Peach
- Sierra Pearl Nectarine
- Sierra Princess Peach
- Sierra Rich Peach
- Sierra Rose Plumcot
- Sierra Snow Peach
- Silken Apple
- Silva's Seedless Lemon
- Simmons Gala Apple (marketed under the Buckeye® Gala brand)
- Sinfonia Apple
- Sir George Japanese Plum
- Sir-Prize Avocado
- Sirius Apple
- Sitka Peach
- Skeena Sweet Cherry
- Skeleton Fuzzy Kiwi
- Skeleton A16 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Skeleton A19 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Skelton X78 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Sky Blue Blueberry
- Sleeping Beauty Blackberry
- Smadar Strawberry
- Smeralda Apple
- Smith Pomegranate
- Smith Gala Apple
- Smooth Delight Three Nectarine
- Smooth Delight Two Nectarine
- Smooth Texan One Nectarine
- Smooth Texan Three Nectarine
- Smooth Zest Two Nectarine
- Smooth texan two Nectarine
- Smooth zest one Nectarine
- Snow Angel Peach
- Snow Baby Peach
- Snow Beauty Peach
- Snow Belle Peach
- Snow Bliss Peach
- Snow Bride Peach
- Snow Dance Peach
- Snow Fall Peach
- Snow Fire Peach
- Snow Fox Peach
- Snow Gem Peach
- Snow Giant Peach
- Snow Gypsy Peach
- Snow Jewel Peach
- Snow King Peach
- Snow Kist Peach
- Snow Lady Peach
- Snow Peak Peach
- Snow Pearl Nectarine
- Snow Pride Peach
- Snow Prince Peach
- Snow Princess Peach
- Snow Sprite Peach
- Snowbrite Peach
- Snowchaser Blueberry
- Snyder Apple
- Solano Walnut
- Solbrio Grape
- Somerset Sweet Cherry
- Sommerfeld Apple
- Sonata Strawberry
- Sonet Satsuma
- Sonora Strawberry
- Soreli Fuzzy Kiwi
- Southern Belle Blueberry
- Southern Home Muscadine
- Southern Splendour Blueberry
- Southern Star Peach
- Southfield Apple
- Southmoon Blueberry
- Souvenirs Peach
- Special Red July Peach
- Spencerville Red Apple
- Spice Zee Nectarine
- Splash Plumcot
- Spring Candy Peach
- Spring Fire Nectarine
- Spring Flavor Plumcot
- Spring Glo Nectarine
- Spring Pearl Nectarine
- Spring Princess Peach
- Spring Snow Peach
- Spring Sweet Nectarine
- Spring Treat Peach
- Springhigh Blueberry
- Springwide Blueberry
- Sprinter Peach
- Stanislaus Peach
- Star Blueberry
- Star Light Peach
- Star-Fire (Zaiger) Peach
- Starapple1 Apple
- Stargrape 1 Grape
- Stargrape 2 Grape
- Stark Gugger Apple
- Starlite Apple
- Stella Minnesota Apple
- Stephanie Strawberry
- Stiekema 1 Apple
- Stikine Currant
- Strawberry Festival Strawberry
- Suaprieight Apricot
- Suaprieleven Apricot
- Suaprifive Apricot
- Suaprifourteen Apricot
- Suaprinine Apricot
- Suapriseven Apricot
- Suaprisix Apricot
- Suapriten Apricot
- Suaprithirteen Apricot
- Suapritwelve Apricot
- Sugana Raspberry
- Sugar Giant Peach
- Sugar May Peach
- Sugar Princess Peach
- Sugar Time Peach
- Sugarine I Nectarine
- Sugarpeach Peach
- Sugraeighteen Grape
- Sugrafifteen Grape
- Sugrafiftyone Grape
- Sugrafortynine Grape
- Sugrafortysix Grape
- Sugrafortythree Grape
- Sugrafortytwo Grape
- Sugrafourteen Grape
- Sugranineteen Grape
- Sugraseventeen Grape
- Sugrasixteen Grape
- Sugrathirteen Grape
- Sugrathirtyone Grape
- Sugrathirtysix Grape
- Sugrathirtythree Grape
- Sugrathirtytwo Grape
- Sugratwelve Grape
- Sugratwenty Grape
- Sugratwentyeight Grape
- Sugratwentyfour Grape
- Sugratwentyone Grape
- Sugratwentyseven Grape
- Sugratwentysix Grape
- Sugratwentythree Grape
- Sugratwentytwo Grape
- Sumleta Sweet Cherry (marketed under the Sonata (tm) brand)
- Summer Amelia Peach
- Summer Blush Nectarine
- Summer Cot Apricot
- Summer Fire Peach
- Summer Frost Peach
- Summer Jim Nectarine
- Summer Lion I Nectarine
- Summer Lion IV Nectarine
- Summer Prim Lemon
- Summer Princess Peach
- Summer Sweet Peach
- Summer Treat Japanese Plum
- Summer Zee Peach
- SunSpark Apple
- Sunbelt Grape
- Sunbest Nectarine
- Sunecttwentyfour Nectarine
- Sunecttwentyone Nectarine
- Sunecttwentytwo Nectarine
- Sunlit Snow Peach
- Sunlite Nugget Japanese Plum
- Sunmist Nectarine
- Sunnirich Peach
- Sunny Red Nectarine
- Sunset Strawberry
- Sunset Blue Blueberry
- Sunset Delight Plumcot
- Sunset Plapple Plumcot
- Supareil Almond
- Supecheight Peach
- Supecheighteen Peach
- Supechfifteen Peach
- Supechfourteen Peach
- Supechnine Peach
- Supechnineteen Peach
- Supechseventeen Peach
- Supechsix Peach
- Supechsixteen Peach
- Supechthirteen Peach
- Supechtwenty Peach
- Supechtwentyone Peach
- Super Lady Peach
- Super Rich Peach
- Super Zee Peach
- Suplumfifty Japanese Plum
- Suplumfiftyeight Japanese Plum
- Suplumforty Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortyfive Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortyfour Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortynine Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortyone Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortyseven Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortysix Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortythree Japanese Plum
- Suplumfortytwo Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtyeight Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtyfive Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtyfour Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtynine Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtyone Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtyseven Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtysix Japanese Plum
- Suplumthirtythree Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwenty Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentyeight Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentyfive Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentyfour Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentynine Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentyseven Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentysix Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentythree Japanese Plum
- Suplumtwentytwo Japanese Plum
- Sure Fire Nectarine
- Surefire Sour Cherry
- Sutter Euro Plum
- Suziblue Blueberry
- Swedes Fuji Apple
- Sweet Alice Peach
- Sweet Ann Strawberry
- Sweet August Nectarine
- Sweet Blaze Peach
- Sweet Charlie Strawberry
- Sweet Crest Peach
- Sweet Dream Peach
- Sweet Eve Strawberry
- Sweet Firegem Nectarine
- Sweet Henry Peach
- Sweet Jasper Grape
- Sweet Kashel Plumcot
- Sweet Martin Citrus
- Sweet Pearl Nectarine
- Sweet Pekeetah Japanese Plum
- Sweet Pixie Plumcot
- Sweet Pixie 3 Plumcot
- Sweet Queen Japanese Plum
- Sweet Scarlet Grape
- Sweet Scarlet Peach
- Sweet September Peach
- Sweet Shasta Peach
- Sweet Surprise Nectarine
- Sweet Treat Plumcot
- Sweet-N-UP Peach
- Sweetcot Apriplum
- Sweetcrisp Blueberry
- Sweetheart Almond
- Sweetlove Peach
- Sweetmoon Peach
- Sweetprim Peach
- Sweetregal Peach
- Sweetreine Peach
- Sweetstar (ASF SARL) Peach
- T-1101 Blueberry
- T-460 Blueberry
- TAKANO 7GO Apple
- TAMDO NO.3 Mandarin
- TAMI Avocado
- TAMIR Strawberry
- TCL3 Apple
- TDE2 Mandarin
- TDE3 Mandarin
- TDE4 Mandarin
- TF812 Apple
- TFE 02 Mango
- TH-1008 Blueberry
- TH-1125 Blueberry
- TH-1321 Blueberry
- TH-1334 Blueberry
- TH-1493 Blueberry
- TH-1797 Blueberry
- TH-1872 Blueberry
- TH-1876 Blueberry
- TH-1996 Blueberry
- TH-682 Blueberry (marketed under the Blue Suede (tm) brand)
- TH-889 Blueberry
- TH-906 Blueberry
- TH-917 Blueberry
- TH-920 Blueberry
- TH-931 Blueberry
- TO-1088 Blueberry
- TO-1319 Blueberry
- TO-3097 Blueberry
- TSS No. 7 Papaya
- Tadmor Raspberry
- Taia Strawberry
- Takano 6 Apple
- Tamar Strawberry
- Tamdori Citrus
- Tami Citrus
- Tamnaneunbong Mandarin
- Tango Mandarin
- Tanner Pecan
- Tasty Rich Apriplum
- Tawny Seedless Grape
- Taylor 14L22 Nectarine
- Taylor's Gold Euro Pear
- Teak Gold Japanese Plum
- Tehachapi Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris Grape
- Tejon Pistachio
- Tensei Apple
- Tethis Strawberry
- TexFirst Peach
- TexKing Peach
- TexPrince Peach
- Thiara Peach
- Thome Red Apple
- Tip Top Sweet Cherry
- Titania Currant
- Todd Euro Pear
- Tola Raspberry
- Tom Pecan
- Tomua Fuzzy Kiwi
- Top Mandarin Seedless Mandarin
- Top Shelf Blueberry
- Treadwell Pecan
- Treasure Strawberry
- Treasure Harvest Strawberry
- Tri-Lite Peach
- Trinidad Apriplum
- Triple E Apple
- Triumph Strawberry
- Tropica Mango
- Tsechelidis Fuzzy Kiwi
- Tsunokaori Citrus
- Tucker's Peach
- Tudnew Strawberry
- Tulare Walnut
- Tulare Giant Euro Plum
- Tuolumne Peach
- UEB 1813 Apple
- UEB 3264/2 Apple (marketed under the Opal (r) brand)
- UEB 3375/2 Apple (marketed under the Luna TopGold® brand)
- UEB 38026 Apple
- UEB 406/1 Apple (marketed under the Bonita™ brand)
- UEB 41811 Apple
- UEB 42721 Apple
- UEB 42723 Apple
- UEB 43054 Apple
- UEB 6581 Apple
- UF 11-1-24 Sweet Orange
- UF2000 Peach
- UFBeauty Peach
- UFBest Peach
- UFBlaze Peach
- UFGem Peach
- UFGold Peach
- UFO Peach
- UFOne Peach
- UFQueen Nectarine
- UFSharp Peach
- UFSun Peach
- Uzi Avocado
- V75024 Peach (marketed under the Venture (tm) brand)
- VALOR Strawberry
- VELA Almond
- VIBEHU99-1 Japanese Plum
- VacBri 1 Blueberry
- Vajolet Plus Raspberry
- Valentina Blackberry
- Valley Gold Mandarin
- Valley Sweet Peach
- Valplatinta Grape
- Vas-One Olive
- Vaulter Strawberry
- Veluto Blue Blueberry
- Venice Apple
- Ventura Blueberry
- Ventura Strawberry
- Vered Citrus
- Vernon Blueberry
- Verona Grape
- Victor Avocado
- Viking Pearl Nectarine
- Vilmos Peach
- Violetta Fig
- Virginia Strawberry
- Vision Raspberry
- Vista Grape
- Vista Peach
- Vista Snow Peach
- Viva Patricia Strawberry
- Von Blackberry
- Vulcan Apricot
- W45 Fuzzy Kiwi
- W47 Fuzzy Kiwi
- WA 2 Apple (marketed under the Sunrise Magic® brand)
- WA 38 Apple (marketed under the Cosmic Crisp (tm) brand)
- WA 5 Apple
- WAYNE Blueberry
- WB 258 Peach
- WG 02 Citrus
- WG17 Citrus
- WG3 Mandarin
- WG32 Mandarin
- WI02-A4G-X1 Cranberry
- WI92-A-X15 Cranberry
- WSU 1090 Raspberry
- WUR200 Apple
- WUR37 Apple
- Wakefield Raspberry
- Walden Apple
- Waliser Gala Apple (marketed under the Crimson® Gala brand)
- Walker Strawberry (marketed under the Purple Wonder™ brand)
- Wangdo Peach
- Wansevwan Pawpaw (marketed under the Shenandoah (tm) brand)
- Warootone Prunus Rootstock
- Wasatch Strawberry
- Wassum Almond
- Weaver Apple
- Weiser Peach
- Wenatchee Strawberry
- Wendy Strawberry
- Wengi Raspberry
- Wescot Apriplum
- Westbrook Nectarine
- Western Bright Nectarine
- Western Dawn Apple (marketed under the Enchanted® brand)
- Western Pride Nectarine
- Western Princess Peach
- Western Red Nectarine
- Western Sweet Nectarine
- Westfresh Apple
- Weston Apriplum
- Wheeling Avocado
- White County Peach
- White Delight Three Peach
- White Diamond Peach
- White Dragon Nectarine
- White Princess Peach
- White River Peach
- White Rock Peach
- White Zest One Peach
- White delight four Peach
- White delight one Peach
- White delight two Peach
- Whitney Strawberry
- Wiffen Summer Navel Sweet Orange
- Wildung Apple (marketed under the SnowSweet® brand)
- Wilhelm Raspberry
- Willamette Thornless Marion Blackberry
- Windsor Blueberry
- Winola Mandarin
- Winter Bell Blueberry
- Winter Dawn Strawberry
- Winters Almond
- Wurtwinning Apple
- X13 Strawberry
- X264 Fuzzy Kiwi
- X60 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Xeleven Apple
- Y102 Apple
- Y103 Apple
- Y118 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Y356 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Y368 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Y374 Fuzzy Kiwi
- YASMIN Strawberry
- YCP Apple
- YUMMYGIANT Japanese Plum
- YUMMYROSA Japanese Plum
- Yael Strawberry
- Yambu Strawberry
- Yang's Golden Red No. 1 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Yang's Golden Red No. 50 Fuzzy Kiwi
- Yanov Citrus
- Yasato Asian Pear
- Yellow #503 Japanese Plum
- Yellow Star Seedless Citrus
- Yellowsweet II Plumcot
- Yoli Strawberry
- Yuba Gold Peach
- Yummybeaut Japanese Plum
- Yummycrisp Japanese Plum
- Yummygem Japanese Plum
- Yuval Strawberry
- ZES007 Fuzzy Kiwi
- ZESH004 Fuzzy Kiwi
- ZESY002 Fuzzy Kiwi
- ZESY003 Fuzzy Kiwi
- ZF05-196 Blueberry
- ZF06-089 Blueberry
- ZF06-179 Blueberry (marketed under the Jelly Bean® brand)
- ZF08-029 Blueberry
- ZF08-070 Blueberry
- ZF08-095 Blueberry
- ZOUK 16 Apple
- ZOUK 31 Apple
- ZOUK 32 Apple
- ZOUK G1 Apple
- ZZ04062 Blueberry
- ZZ04115 Blueberry
- ZZ04120 Blueberry
- Zafir Strawberry
- Zari Apple
- Zarina Strawberry
- Zee Diamond Peach
- Zee Fire Nectarine
- Zee Pride Peach
- Zinthiana Grape
- Zoey Kat Plumcot
- Zohar Almond
- Zorro Blackberry
- Zweet Bettzee Plumcot
- asio 3 Asian Pear
- baigent Apple
- diligent Strawberry
- emr 20171 Raspberry
- emr 20172 Raspberry
- flat delight two Peach
- smooth delight one Nectarine
- sugrafortyfive Grape