Newfane Sweet Cherry
marketed under the Whitegold (tm) brand
USPP18892 until March 21, 2022 (expired) google patents
AKA Whitegold (tm),NY 13688
released 2002 by Cornell
Bing -5
S-Allele: S3S4' [22]
- papers/Self-incompatibility (S) genotypes of cultivated sweet cherries
country of origin: US Emperor Francis Stella
- National/US Patent List
- New York/Cornell Susan Brown Varieties
Emperor Francis x Stella
- Washington/Cherry Varieties at WSU Mount Vernon NWREC 2012
white swt. Origin Cornell (NY 13688, 2001), AKA Newfane; large fruit, moderate tolerance to rain cracking; self-fertile, mid-to-late bloom
- Washington/WSU EB 0937 Fruit Handbook for Western Washington
- Washington/WWFRF Recommended Varieties
self fertile