Growing Tree Fruit in the Uintah Basin [ref]
- Uintah Basin, UT
Bartlett Euro Pear
Clapp's Favorite Euro Pear
Cortland Apple
D'Anjou Euro Pear
Empire Apple
Flemish Beauty Euro Pear
Fuji Apple
Gala Apple
Golden Supreme Apple
Harglow Apricot
Hargrand Apricot
Harlayne Apricot
Harrow Delight Euro Pear
Honeycrisp Apple (marketed under the Honeycrunch (r) brand)
John Euro Pear
Jonafree Apple
Jonagold Apple
Luscious Euro Pear
Manchurian Apricot
Minnewashta Apple (marketed under the Zestar! (r) brand)
Moongold Apricot
Perfection Apricot
Prima Apple
Spartan Apple
Summercrisp Euro Pear
Sungold Apricot