Growing Tree Fruit in the Uintah Basin [ref]
- Uintah Basin, UT
- Bartlett Euro Pear
- Clapp's Favorite Euro Pear
- Cortland Apple
- D'Anjou Euro Pear
- Empire Apple
- Flemish Beauty Euro Pear
- Fuji Apple
- Gala Apple
- Golden Supreme Apple
- Harglow Apricot
- Hargrand Apricot
- Harlayne Apricot
- Harrow Delight Euro Pear
- Honeycrisp Apple (marketed under the Honeycrunch (r) brand)
- John Euro Pear
- Jonafree Apple
- Jonagold Apple
- Luscious Euro Pear
- Manchurian Apricot
- Minnewashta Apple (marketed under the Zestar! (r) brand)
- Moongold Apricot
- Perfection Apricot
- Prima Apple
- Spartan Apple
- Summercrisp Euro Pear
- Sungold Apricot